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Rodrigues, Marciel Elio; De Oliveira Roque, Fabio; Quintero, Jose Manuel Ochoa; De Castro Pena, João Carlos; De Sousa, Diogo Caribé; De Marco Junior, Paulo . Nonlinear responses in damselfly community along a gradient of habitat loss in a savanna landscape. Biological Conservation, v. 194, p. 113-120, 2016.


Bittencourt, Cássia; Rapini, Alessandro; Santos Damacena, Leilton; De Marco Junior, Paulo . The worrying future of the endemic flora of a tropical mountain range under climate change. Flora (Jena), v. 218, p. 1-10, 2016.

Bispo, A. A.; Aguiar, A. ; Nobre, R. A.; Machado, C. G.; Cohn-Haft, M.; Develey, P. F. ; Laranjeiras, T. O.; Lemos, C. A.; Uehara-Prado, M. . Protocolo para Monitoramento de Comunidades de Aves em Unidades de Conservação Federais. Biodiversidade Brasileira, v. 6, p. 153-173, 2016.


Bichsel, David; De Marco, Paulo; Bispo, Arthur Ângelo; Ilg, Christiane; Dias-Silva, Karina; Vieira, Thiago Bernardi; Correa, Caroline Costa; Oertli, Beat. Water quality of rural ponds in the extensive agricultural landscape of the Cerrado (Brazil). Limnology (Tokyo. Print), v. online, p. 1-8, 2016.

Nogueira, D. S.; Calvão, L. B.; Montag, L. F. ; Juen, L.; De Marco, P. Little effects of reduced-impact logging on insect communities in eastern Amazonia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Print), v. 188, p. 441-461, 2016.


Santos, Ana M. C. ; CIANCIARUSO, MARCUS V. ; De Marco, Paulo . Global patterns of functional diversity and assemblage structure of island parasitoid faunas. Global Ecology and Biogeography (Print), v. 25, p. 869-879, 2016.

Jesus, S. ; Pedro, Wagner André ; Bispo, A. A. . Bird diversity along a gradient of fragmentedhabitats of the cerrado. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), 2016.


DUTRA, S. ; de Marco, P. . Bionomic differences in odonates and their influence on the efficiency of indicator species of environmental quality. Ecological Indicators, v. 49, p. 132-142, 2015.


MARTINS, ALINE C. ; SILVA, DANIEL P. ; De Marco, Paulo ; MELO, GABRIEL A. R. . Species conservation under future climate change: the case of Bombus bellicosus, a potentially threatened South American bumblebee species. Journal of Insect Conservation, v. 19, p. 33-43, 2015.


ZANIN, MARINA ; SOLLMANN, RAHEL ; TÔRRES, NATÁLIA M. ; FURTADO, MARIANA M. ; JÁCOMO, ANAH T. A. ; SILVEIRA, LEANDRO ; De Marco, Paulo . Landscapes attributes and their consequences on jaguar Panthera onca and cattle depredation occurrence. European Journal of Wildlife Research (2004. Print), v. 61, p. 529-537, 2015.


SILVA, Daniel Paiva ; VARELA, SARA ; NEMÉSIO, ANDRÉ ; De Marco, Paulo . Adding Biotic Interactions into Paleodistribution Models: A Host-Cleptoparasite Complex of Neotropical Orchid Bees. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0129890, 2015.


PIMENTA, M ; DE MARCO, P . Leaf Beetle (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera) Assemblages in a Mosaic of Natural and Altered Areas in the Brazilian Cerrado. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 44, p. 242-255, 2015.


DE OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, JOSÉ MAX BARBOSA ; SHIMANO, YULIE ; GARDNER, TOBY ALAN ; HUGHES, ROBERT M. ; De Marco Júnior, Paulo ; JUEN, Leandro . Neotropical dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) as indicators of ecological condition of small streams in the eastern Amazon. Austral Ecology (Print), v. 40, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.


FALEIRO, FREDERICO VALTUILLE ; SILVA, Daniel Paiva ; DE CARVALHO, RODRIGO ASSIS ; SÄRKINEN, TIINA ; De Marco, Paulo . Ring out the bells, we are being invaded! Niche conservatism in exotic populations of the Yellow Bells, Tecoma stans (Bignoniaceae). Natureza & Conservação, v. 13, p. 24-29, 2015.


SILVA, D. P. ; MACEDO, A. C. B. A. ; ASCHER, J. S. ; DE MARCO JUNIOR, P. . Range increase of a Neotropical orchid bee under future scenarios of climate change. Journal of Insect Conservation, v. 19, p. 901-910, 2015.


PINTO, N. S. ; SILVA, D. P. ; GUINATO, J. ; DE MARCO JUNIOR, P. . The Size But not the Symmetry of the Wings of Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (Apidae: Euglossini) is Affected by Human-Disturbed Landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado Savanna. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 44, p. 439-447, 2015.


De Marco Júnior, Paulo; BATISTA, Joana Darc ; CABETTE, HELENA SOARES RAMOS . Community Assembly of Adult Odonates in Tropical Streams: An Ecophysiological Hypothesis. Plos One, v. 10, p. e0123023, 2015.


FAGUNDES, CAMILA K. ; VOGT, RICHARD C. ; De Marco Júnior, Paulo . Testing the efficiency of protected areas in the Amazon for conserving freshwater turtles. Diversity and Distributions (Print), v. 22, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.


DE SOUZA, RODRIGO ANTÔNIO ; De Marco, Paulo . The Red Queen race in Brazilian Amazon deforestation: the necessity of a sustainable economy to zero deforestation. Natureza & Conservação, v. 13, p. 190-192, 2015.


JÚNIOR, PAULO DE MARCO; NÓBREGA, CAROLINE CORRÊA ; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO ANTÔNIO ; NEISS, ULISSES GASPAR . Modeling the distribution of a rare Amazonian odonate in relation to future deforestation. Freshwater Science, v. 34, p. 000-000, 2015.


SILVA, DANIEL P. ; SPIGOLONI, ZANDER A. ; CAMARGOS, LUCAS M. ; DE ANDRADE, ANDRÉ FELIPE ALVES ; De Marco, Paulo ; ENGEL, MICHAEL S. . Distributional modeling of Mantophasmatodea (Insecta: Notoptera): a preliminary application and the need for future sampling. Organisms Diversity & Evolution (Print), v. 16, p. 259-268, 2015.

DAUD, R. D. ; HERNANDES, F. A. ; BISPO, A. A. . Wing feather mites (Acari: Astigmata) on some Passeriformes (Aves) from state of Parana, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, v. 23, p. 336-340, 2015.


SILVA, DANIEL P. ; GONZALEZ, VICTOR H. ; MELO, GABRIEL A.R. ; LUCIA, MARIANO ; ALVAREZ, LEOPOLDO J. ; De Marco, Paulo . Seeking the flowers for the bees: Integrating biotic interactions into niche models to assess the distribution of the exotic bee species Lithurgus huberi in South America. Ecological Modelling, v. 273, p. 200-209, 2014.




CALVAO, L. B. ; De Marco, Paulo ; BATISTA, Joana D'arc . Odonata (Insecta) from Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso, Central Brazil: Information on species distribution and new records. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 10, p. 299-307, 2014.


SILVA, DANIEL P. ; VILELA, BRUNO ; De Marco, Paulo ; NEMÉSIO, ANDRÉ . Using Ecological Niche Models and Niche Analyses to Understand Speciation Patterns: The Case of Sister Neotropical Orchid Bees. Plos One, v. 9, p. e113246, 2014.


DE SOUZA, RODRIGO ANTÔNIO ; De Marco, Paulo . The use of species distribution models to predict the spatial distribution of deforestation in the western Brazilian Amazon. Ecological Modelling, v. 291, p. 250-259, 2014.


FREDERICO, RENATA G. ; De Marco, Paulo ; Zuanon, Jansen . Evaluating the use of macroscale variables as proxies for local aquatic variables and to model stream fish distributions. Freshwater Biology (Print), v. 59, p. 2303-2314, 2014.


SILVA, D P ; DE MARCO, P . No Evidence of Habitat Loss Affecting the Orchid Bees Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier and Eufriesea auriceps Friese (Apidae: Euglossini) in the Brazilian Cerrado Savanna. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 43, p. 509-518, 2014.


BUTTURI-GOMES, DAVI ; JUNIOR, MIGUEL PETRERE ; GIACOMINI, HENRIQUE C. ; JUNIOR, PAULO DE MARCO . Computer intensive methods for controlling bias in a generalized species diversity index. Ecological Indicators, v. 37, p. 90-98, 2014.



De Souza, Rodrigo Antônio; Miziara, Fausto; De Marco Junior, Paulo. Spatial variation of deforestation rates in the Brazilian amazon: a complex theater for agrarian technology, agrarian structure and governance by surveillance. Land Use Policy, V. 30, P. 915-924, 2013. Link


NOMURA, F. ; de Marco, P. ; CARVALHO, A.F.A. ; ROSSA-FERES, D. C. . Does background colouration affect the behaviour of tadpoles? An experimental approach with an odonate predator. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, v. 25, p. 185, 2013.


SILVA, DANIEL P. ; AGUIAR, ANTONIO J. C. ; MELO, GABRIEL A. R. ; ANJOS-SILVA, EVANDSON J. ; Marco, Paulo . Amazonian species within the Cerrado savanna: new records and potential distribution for Aglae caerulea (Apidae: Euglossini). Apidologie (Celle), v. 44, p. 673-683, 2013.


CALVAO, L. B. ; VITAL, M V C ; Juen, L ; LIMA FILHO, G. F. ; Oliveira-Junior, J. M. B. ; Pinto, N S ; DE MARCO JR, PAULO . Thermoregulation and Microhabitat choice in Erythrodiplax latimaculata RIS males (ANISOPTERA: LIBELLULIDAE). Odonatologica (Utrecht), v. 42, p. 97-108, 2013.


MORAIS, ALESSANDRO R. ; SIQUEIRA, MARIANA N. ; LEMES, PRISCILA ; MACIEL, NATAN M. ; De Marco, Paulo ; BRITO, DANIEL . Unraveling the conservation status of Data Deficient species. Biological Conservation, v. 166, p. 98-102, 2013.


PINHEIRO, DENISE S. ; ROCHA FILHO, CÉSAR R. ; MUNDIM, CLÁUDIA A. ; JÚNIOR, PAULO DE MARCO ; ULHOA, CIRANO J. ; REIS, ANGELA A. S. ; GHEDINI, PAULO C. . Evaluation of Glutathione S-Transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 Deletion Polymorphisms on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk. Plos One, v. 8, p. e76262, 2013.


AGUIAR, A. G. ; BISPO, A. A. . Efeitos da coloração e distribuição de frutos artificiais nas taxas de consumo por aves em um fragmento florestal. Bioikos (Campinas), v. 27, p. 57-65, 2013.



Hortal, Joaquín; De Marco, Paulo; Santos, Ana M. C.; Diniz-Filho, J. Alexandre F. Integrating biogeographical processes and local community assembly. Journal of Biogeography (Print), V. 39, P. 627-628, 2012. Link


Torres, N. M.; De Marco, Paulo; Santos, Thiago; Silveira, L.; Jacomo, A.T.D. Can species distribution modelling provide estimates of population densities? A case study with jaguars in the neotropics. Diversity And Distributions (Print), V. 18, P. 615-627, 2012. Link


Kamino, L. H. Y.; Stehmann, J. R.; Amaral, S.; De Marco, Paulo; Rangel, T. F.; De Siqueira, M. F.; De Giovanni, R.; Hortal, Joaquín. Challenges and perspectives for species distribution modelling in the neotropics. Biology Letters (Print), V. 8, P. 324-326, 2012. Link


Pinto, N S; Juen, L; Cabette, H S R; De Marco, Paulo. Fluctuating asymmetry and wing size of Argia tinctipennis Selys (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) in relation to riparian forest preservation status. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), V. 41, P. 178-185, 2012. Link


Da Cruz, A.S.; Costa, E.O.A.; Da Cruz, A.D.; Silva, D.M.; Da Silva, C.C.; De M-Jr., P.; Silva, D.C. Cattle fetal sex determination by polymerase chain reaction using DNA isolated from maternal plasma. Animal Reproduction Science (Print), V. 131, P. 49-53, 2012. Link


De Marco Júnior, Paulo. Exploring current challenges for models of species distribution and ecological niches. Natureza & Conservação, V. 10, P. 99-101, 2012. Link


Serra, Bruna Danielle Vieira; Marco Júnior, Paulo De; Nóbrega, Caroline Côrrea; Campos, Lucio Antônio De Oliveira. Modeling potential geographical distribution of the wild nests of Melipona capixaba Moure & Camargo, 1994 (Hymenoptera, Apidae): conserving isolated populations in mountain habitats. Natureza & Conservação, V. 10, P. 199-206, 2012. Link


Vianna, Dana Moiana; De Marco Júnior, Paulo. Higher-taxon and cross-taxon surrogates for odonate biodiversity in Brazil. Natureza & Conservação, V. 10, P. 34-39, 2012. Link


Juen, Leandro; Marco, Paulo. Dragonfly endemism in the Brazilian amazon: competing hypotheses for Biogeographical patterns. Biodiversity and Conservation (Dordrecht. Online), V. 21, P. 3507-3521, 2012. Link

Bispo, A. A.; Scherer Neto, P. Outstanding longevity record data for the Streaked Xenops (Xenops rutilans Temminck, 1821) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ornitologia Neotropical, v. 23, p. 303-306, 2012.



Juen, Leandro; De Marco, Paulo. Odonate biodiversity in terra-firme forest streamlets in central Amazonia: on the relative effects of neutral and niche drivers at small geographical extents. Insect Conservation and Diversity (Print), V. 4, P. 265-274, 2011. Link


Amorim, M; De Marco, Paulo. Pollination of Byrsonima coccolobifolia: short-distance isolation and possible causes for low fruit production. Brazilian Journal of Biology (Impresso), V. 71, P. 709-717, 2011. Link


Morales-Castilla, Ignacio; Olalla-Tárraga, Miguel Á; Bini, Luis Mauricio; De Marco Jr, Paulo; Hawkins, Bradford A.; Rodríguez, Miguel Á. Niche conservatism and species richness patterns of squamate reptiles in Eastern and Southern Africa. Austral Ecology (Print), V. 36, P. 550-558, 2011. Link


Dobrovolski, Ricardo; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Loyola, Rafael Dias; De Marco Júnior, P. Agricultural expansion and the fate of global conservation priorities. Biodiversity and Conservation, V. 20, P. 2445-2459, 2011. Link


Loiola, Geovanni Ribeiro; De Marco Jr, P. Behavioral ecology of Heteragrion consors Hagen (Odonata, Megapodagrionidae): a shade-seek Atlantic forest damselfly. Revista Brasileira De Entomologia (Impresso), V. 55, P. 373-380, 2011. Link


Castagnino,G.L.B.; Message,D.; De Marco Jr., P. Pollen substitute on the reduction of Apis mellifera L. mortality caused by Brazilian sac brood. Ciência Rural. V. 41, P. 1838-1843, 2011. Link


Nóbrega, Caroline C.; De Marco Jr., P. Unprotecting the rare species: a niche-based gap analysis for Odonates in a core Cerrado area. Diversity And Distributions (Print), V. 17, P. 491-505, 2011. Link


Dobrovolski, Ricardo; Loyola, Rafael Dias; Marco Júnior, Paulo De; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola. Agricultural Expansion Can Menace Brazilian Protected Areas During The 21st Century. Natureza & Conservação, V. 9, P. 208-213, 2011. Link


Nascimento, A. A.; Prado, Fabiana; Padua, C B V.; De Marco Júnior, Paulo. Population Density of Black-Facedlion Tamarin (Leonthopithecus caissara). Neotropical Primates, V. 18, P. 17-21, 2011. Link


Scherer Neto, P.; Bispo, A. A. Avifauna Do Parque Estadual De Vila Rica Do Espírito Santo, Fênix, Brasil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online), v. 11, p. 1-10, 2011. Link



Da Mata, R.A.; Tidon, R.; Côrtes, L. G.; De Marco Jr, Paulo. Invasive and flexible: niche shift in the drosophilid Zaprionus indianus (Insecta, Diptera). Biological Invasions, V. 12, P. 1231-1241, 2010. Link


Lima, Flávia Pereira; Latini, A. O.; De Marco, P. How are the lakes? Environmental perception by fishermen and alien fish dispersal in Brazilian tropical lakes. Interciencia (Caracas), V. 35, P. 84-91, 2010. Link


Silva, Daniel Paiva; De Marco, P; Resende, D C. Adult odonate abundance and community assemblage measures as indicators of stream ecological integrity: a case study. Ecological Indicators, V. 10, P. 744-752, 2010. Link


Terribile, L. C.; Diniz-Filho J. A. F.; De Marco Jr, Paulo. How many studies are necessary to compare niche-based models for geographic distributions? Inductive reasoning may fail at the end. Brazilian Journal of Biology, V. 70, P. 263-269, 2010. Link


Diniz-Filho, Jose Alexandre Felizola; De Marco Jr, Paulo; Hawkins, Bradford A. Defying the curse of ignorance: perspectives in insect macroecology and conservation biogeography. Insect Conservation And Diversity, P. 172-179, 2010. Link


De Almeida, Mirian C.; Côrtes, Lara G.; De Marco Júnior, Paulo. New records and a niche model for the distribution of two neotropical damselflies: Schistolobos boliviensis and Tuberculobasis inversa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Insect Conservation and Diversity (Print), V. 3, P. 252-256, 2010.



Bianchi, Rita De Cassia; Mendes, Sergio Lucena; Paulo De Marco Junior. Food habits of the ocelot, Leopardus pardalis, in two areas in southeast Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna And Environment, V. 45, P. 111-119, 2010. Link


Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Ferro, V.G.; Santos, Thiago; Nabout, João Carlos; Dobrovolski, R.; De Marco, Paulo. The three phases of the ensemble forecasting of niche models: geographic range and shifts in climatically suitable areas of Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (Impresso), V. 54, P. 339-349, 2010. Link


Resende, Daniela Chaves; De Marco, Paulo. First Description of Reproductive Behavior Of The Amazonian Damselfly Chalcopteryx rutilans (Rambur) (Odonata, Polythoridae). Revista Brasileira De Entomologia (Impresso), V. 54, P. 436-440, 2010. Link


Lima, Flávia Pereira; Muniz, José Norberto; Marco Júnior, Paulo De. Evaluating Brazilian conservation projects: the weak link between practice and theory. Natureza & Conservação, V. 08, P. 41-45, 2010. Link


Petrere Jr., M.; Giacomini, Hc.; De Marco Jr., P. Catch-per-unit-effort: which estimator is best? Brazilian Journal Of Biology (Impresso), V. 70, P. 483-491, 2010. Link


Nabout, João Carlos; Soares, Thannya Nascimento; Diniz-Filho J. A. F.; De Marco, Paulo; Campos Telles, Mariana Pires; Naves, R. V.; Chaves, L. J. Combining multiple models to predict the geographical distribution of the baru tree (Dipteryx alata Vogel) in the Brazilian Cerrado. Brazilian Journal Of Biology (Impresso), V. 70, P. 911-919, 2010. Link


Dias-Silva, Karina; Cabette, Helena S. R.; Juen, Leandro; Jr, Paulo De Marco. The influence of habitat integrity and physical-chemical water variables on the structure of aquatic and semi-aquatic heteroptera. Zoologia (Curitiba, Impresso), V. 27, P. 918-930, 2010. Link


Lima, F. P.; Lima, Flávia Pereira; Furieri, Karina Schmidt; Almeida, Mirian Cristina De; De Marco Junior, P. Libélula na Bromélia. Ciência Hoje Das Crianças, V. 214, P. 14-14, 2010. Link


Bispo, A. A.; Scherer Neto, P. Taxocenose de aves em um remanescente da Floresta com Araucária no sudeste do Paraná, Brasil. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online), v. 10, p. 10, 2010. Link



De Siqueira, Marinez Ferreira; Durigan, Giselda; De Marco Júnior, Paulo; Peterson, A. Townsend. Something from nothing: using landscape similarity and ecological niche modeling to find rare plant species. Journal For Nature Conservation, V. 17, P. 25-32, 2009. Link


Carvalho, Fábio M.V.; De Marco Júnior, Paulo; Ferreira, Laerte G. The cerrado into-pieces: habitat fragmentation as a function of landscape use in the savannas of central Brazil. Biological Conservation, V. 142, P. 1392-1403, 2009. Link


Giacomini, H; De Marco Jr, P; Petrere Jr, M. Exploring community assembly through an individual-based model for trophic interactions. Ecological Modelling, V. 220, P. 23-39, 2009. Link


Leonel, Fernando De Paula; Pereira, José Carlos; Costa, Marcone Geraldo; De Marco Jr, Paulo; Lara, Luciano Aurélio; Queiroz, Augusto César De. Comportamento produtivo e características nutricionais do capim-braquiária cultivado em consórcio com milho. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia/Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, V. 38, P. 177-189, 2009. Link


Leonel, Fernando De Paula; Pereira, José Carlos; Costa, Marcone Geraldo; De Marco Júnior, Paulo; Silva, Cássio José Da; Lara, Luciano Aurélio. Consórcio capim-braquiária e milho: comportamento produtivo das culturas e características nutricionais e qualitativas das silagens. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia/Brazilian Journal Of Animal Science, V. 38, P. 166-176, 2009. Link


Mauricio Bini, L.; Diniz-Filho, J. Alexandre F.; Rangel, Thiago F. L. V. B.; Akre, Thomas S. B. Albaladejo; Rafael G. Albuquerque; Fabio S. Aparicio; Abelardo Araújo, Miguel B. Baselga, Andrés Beck, Jan Isabel Bellocq, M. Böhning-Gaese, Katrin Borges, Paulo A. V. Castro-Parga, Isabel Khen Chey, Vun Chown, Steven L. De Marco, Jr, Paulo Dobkin, David S. Ferrer-Castán, Dolores Field, Richard Filloy, Julieta Fleishman, Erica Gómez, Jose F. Hortal, Joaquín Iverson, John B., et al. Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography (Copenhagen), V. 32, P. 193-204, 2009. Link


Peterson, A. T.; Barve, N.; Bini, L. M.; Diniz-Filho, J. A.; Jimenez-Valverde, A.; Lira-Noriega, A.; Lobo, J. ; Maher, S.; De Marco, P.; Martinez-Meyer, E.; Nakazawa, Y.; Soberon, J. The climate envelope may not be empty. Pnas. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, V. 106, P. E47-E47, 2009. Link


Simiao-Ferreira, J.; De Marco Jr, P.; Mazão, G. R.; Carvalho, A. R. Chironomidae assemblage structure in relation to organic enrichment of an aquatic environment. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), V. 38, P. 464-471, 2009. Link


Peixoto, Paulo Enrique Cardoso; De Marco Jr, P. No size or density effect on alternative mate-locating tactics in the tropical damselfly Hetaerina rosea males (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Revista De Biología Tropical, V. 57, P. 361-370, 2009. Link


Nabout, J. C.; De Marco Jr, P.; Bini, L. M.; Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola. Distribuição geográfica potencial de espécies americanas do caranguejo violinista (Uca spp.) (Crustacea, Decapoda) com base em modelagem de nicho ecológico. Iheringia. Série Zoologia (Impresso), V. 99, P. 92-98, 2009. Link


Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre F.; Nabout, João Carlos; Bini, Luis Mauricio; Soares, Thannya N.; Campos Telles, Mariana Pires; Marco, Paulo; Collevatti, Rosane G. Niche modelling and landscape genetics of Caryocar brasiliense ( pequi tree: Caryocaraceae) in brazilian cerrado: an integrative approach for evaluating central peripheral population patterns. Tree Genetics & Genomes (Print), V. 5, P. 617-627, 2009. Link


De Marco Jr, P.; De Siqueira, Marinez Ferreira. Como determinar a distribuição de espécies sobre uma abordagem conservacionista. Megadiversidade, V. 5, P. 65-76, 2009. Link



De Marco, Paulo; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Bini, Luis Mauricio. Spatial analysis improves species distribution modelling during range expansion. Biology Letters, V. 4, P. 577-580, 2008. Link


Giacomini, H. C.; De Marco Jr, P. Larval ecomorphology of 13 Libellulidae (Anisoptera, Odonata) of the midldle rio doce valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brazilian Journal Of Biology, V. 68, P. 219-227, 2008. Link


De Marco Jr, Paulo; Vital, Marcos Vinicius Carneiro. Ecology of Tigriagrion aurantinigrum Calvert in response to variations in environmental conditions (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, V. 37, P. 1-11, 2008. Link


Nessimian, Jorge L.; Venticinque, Eduardo M.; Zuanon, Jansen; De Marco Jr, Paulo; Gordo, Marcelo; Fidelis, Luana; D Arc Batista, Joana; Juen, Leandro. Land use, habitat integrity, and aquatic insect assemblages in central amazonian streams. Hydrobiologia (The Hague), V. 614, P. 117-131, 2008. Link


Resende, D C; De Marco, Paulo. Residence and territorial characteristics of Libellulidae species in a neotropical assemblage (Anisoptera). Odonatologica, V. 37, P. 213-220, 2008. Link


Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; De Campos Telles, Mariana Pires; Bonatto, Sandro L.; Eizirik, Eduardo; De Freitas, Thales Renato O.; De Marco, Paulo; Santos, Fabrício R.; Sole-Cava, Antônio; Soares, Thannya Nascimento. Mapping the evolutionary twilight zone: molecular markers, populations and geography. Journal of Biogeography, V. 35, P. 753-763, 2008. Link


Leonel, F. P.; Pereira, J. C.; Costa, M. G.; De Marco Júnior, Paulo; Lara, L. A.; Sousa, D. P.;. Consórcio capim-braquiária e soja, produtividade das culturas e características qualitativas das silagens. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia/Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, V. 37, P. 2031-2040, 2008. Link


Leonel, F. P.; Pereira, J. C.; Costa, M. G.; De Marco Jr, P.; Lara, L. A.; Ribeiro, M. D.; Silva, C. J. Consórcio capim-braquiária e milho: produtividade das culturas e características qualitativas das silagens feitas com plantas em diferentes idades. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia/Brazilian Journal Of Animal Science, V. 37, P. 2233-2242, 2008. Link


De Marco Jr, P. Libellulidae (Insecta: Odonata) from Itapiracó Reserve, Maranhão, Brazil: new records and species distribution information. Acta Amazonica, V. 38, P. 819-822, 2008. Link


Fernandes, G. W.; De Marco, Paulo; Schönrogge, K. Plant organ abscission and the green island effect caused by Gallmidges (Cecidomyiidae) on tropical trees. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, V. 2, P. 93-99, 2008. Link


Felipe B. R. Gomes; Marcos A. Crozariol; Bispo, A. A. Predação do cágado Phrynops geoffroanus (Chelonia: Pleurodira) pelo falcão Milvago chimachima (Aves: Falconiformes), numa reserva florestal em Icem, SP. Atualidades Ornitológicas, v. 144, p. 23, 2008. Link


Juen, Leandro; Cabette, Helena S R; De Marco Junior, P. Odonate assemblage structure in relation to basin and aquatic habitat structure in pantanal wetlands. Hydrobiologia (The Hague), V. 579, P. 125-134, 2007. Link


Hawkings, B. A.; Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Bini, Luiz Maurício; De Marco Junior, P.; Blackburn T. M. Red herrings revisited: spatial autocorrelation and parameter estimation in geographical ecology. Ecography (Copenhagen), V. 30, P. 375-384, 2007. Link


Oliveira, E. E.; Guedes, Raul Narciso Carvalho; Tótola, M. R.; De Marco Jr, Paulo. Competition between insecticide-susceptible and -resistant populations of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais. Chemosphere (Oxford ), V. 69, P. 17-24, 2007. Link


Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Hawkings, B. A.; Bini, Luiz Maurício; De Marco Jr, P.; Blackburn T. M. Are spatial regression methods a panacea or a pandora's box? A reply to Beale et al. (2007). Ecography (Copenhagen), V. 30, P. 848-851, 2007. Link



De Marco Jr, P. Um Longo caminho até uma teoria unificadora para a ecologia. Oecologia Brasiliensis, V. 10, P. 120-126, 2006. Link




De Marco Junior, P.; Latini, Anderson Oliveira; Resende, Daniela Chaves. Thermoregulatory constraints on behavior: patterns in a neotropical dragonfly assemblage. Neotropical Entomology, 2005. Link


Ferrara,F.A.A.; Aguiar-Menezes,E.L.; Uramoto,K.; De Marco Junior, P.; Souza,S.A.S.; Cassino,P.C.R. Faunistic analysis of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the northwest region of Rio De Janeiro State, Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, V. 34, N.2, P. 183-190, 2005. Link


De Marco Junior, P.; Vianna, Dana Moiana. Distribuição do esforço de coleta de odonata no brasil: subsídios para escolha de áreas prioritárias para levantamentos faunísticos. Lundiana, Belo Horizonte, V. 6, N.Supplement, P. 13-26, 2005. Link


Nappo, Mauro Eloi; Griffith, James Jackson; Martins, Sebastião Venâncio; De Marco Junior, P.; Souza, Agostinho Lopes De; Oliveira Filho, Ary Teixeira De. Dinâmica da estrutura diamétrica da regeneração natural de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas no sub-bosque de povoamento puro de mimosa Scabrella bentham, em área minerada, em Poços de Caldas, MG. Revista Árvore, V. 29, N.1, P. 35-46, 2005. Link


Costa, Thomaz Corrêa E Castro Da; De Marco Junior, P.; Brites, Ricardo Seixas. Classificação do uso/cobertura da terra por meio de algoritmos não paramétricos comparados ao classificador de máxima verossimilhança. Boletim Paranaense De Geociências, V. 56, P. 65-87, 2005. Link


Waldschimidt, Ana Maria; Lopes, Lisandra A; De Marco Junior, P.; Campos, Lucio Antonio De Oliveira. Genetics of Euglossini bees (Hymenoptera) in fragments of the atlantic forest in the region of Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Brazilian Journal Of Biology, V. 65, N.3, P. 541-549, 2005. Link


Mendes, Sergio Lucena; Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues De; Boubli, J. P.; Dias, L. G.; Strier, K. B.; Fagundes, V.; Cosenza, B.; De Marco Jr, Paulo. Directives for the conservation of the northern Muriqui, Brachyteles hypoxanthus Primates, Atelidae. Neotropical Primates, V. 13, P. 7-18, 2005. Link


Graciolli, Gustavo; Bispo, A. A. Hippoboscidae (Diptera) ectoparasitos sobre seis espécies de corujas (Strigiformes) no Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. Ararajuba. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, São Leopoldo, v. 13, n.2, p. 181-182, 2005. Link


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